PU leather Vs Genuine leather: Merits and Demerits


The PU leather and genuine leather are two well know types of leather. Here, during the comparison between these two, we will examine their attributes, discuss the pros and cons, and help you in deciding which one should be on your first priority.
PU Leather

PU Leather: Makeup

For creating PU leather, manufacturers use Polyurethane as a main ingredient. To create a strong, durable and cost effective PU leather, it goes through a particular process. The polyurethane use provides the leather a special advantage in the market.

Genuine Leather: Manufacturing

The genuine leather comes from animal’s skin. It goes through a careful and thorough tanning process. This method preserves its natural variations and maintains its originality for an extended period. It possesses remarkable quality; as genuine leather ages, it develops more character and charm. That is why it is the preferred choice for consumers.

PU Leather vs. Genuine Leather: A Brief Comparison


PU leather is usually designed to cope the outlook and touch of genuine leather with a regular and homogenous appearance.

Genuine leather indicates different patterns and textures naturally, showing a distinctive and authentic look.


PU leather may have a smooth and homogeneous surface. It doesn’t have the natural touch of genuine leather.
Genuine leather is famous for its natural and varied surface, giving a luxurious and touchable experience.

Environmental Impact

Most commonly, PU leather is deemed less ecofriendly due to the use of synthetic materials.
Genuine leather puts a considerable impact on environment because a lot of resources are used for livestock and tanning process.

Economical Options

PU is believed to be a budget friendly option in the comparison of real leather.
Due to the complex manufacturing process of genuine leather, It is a bit expensive option.

Care and Maintenance

PU material is quite easier to clean and maintain, usually it needs a simple dusting.
Genuine leather demands a regular care, needs conditioning and requires moisture protection.
You can make useful decisions on the basis of your priorities by keeping this information in your mind.

Fashion and Style Trends with PU Leather and Genuine Leather

Both have their own role and contribution in the world of fashion and style. Let’s discuss some unique features and common use of these two:

Fashion Trends

As we know PU has a synthetic nature, that’s why it can adopt wide range of colors and finishes. Due to its versatility, it can be crafted into many tending fabrics like sleek jackets, chic legging and fashionable skirts.

As genuine leather is famous for its durability and everlasting allure; it always acts like a leader in modern fashion trends. The fashionable products like jackets, patent leather pants and other fashionable accessories are the preferred choices for consumers due to the sense of luxury, decency and durability of genuine leather.


Due to the adoptive nature of PU leather, it is generally used in creation of multiple accessories like different types of gloves, bags, purses and wallets. Its cost-effectiveness and capability to copy the look of real leather makes it a customer’s preferred choice.
Due to the durability and timeless allure of genuine leather, the consumer keeps it on his first priority in buying different sort of accessories like bags wallets, gloves and belts. If we discuss one of the best qualities of this leather, the aging enhances its refinement.

Environmental Concerns

Now this concern has become a global matter, it is crucial for us to be knowledgeable about the ecofriendly substitutes of both PU and genuine leather.

The Environmentally Friendly Substitutes of PU Leather

  • Plant derived PU: For ecofriendly practices, few of the manufacturers are using different bio based sources to produce PU, like form plant oils and agricultural waste material. Such resource can be proved less harmful for overall environment.
  • Hydro PU Stuff: To reduce air pollution, another ecofriendly idea is the use of water based polyurethane, which helps in minimizing the need for harmful dissolvers.

The Environmentally Friendly of Genuine Leather

  • Vegetable Leather: To prevent the use of harsh chemicals in the traditional leather manufacturing process, an ecofriendly option is available that is vegetable tanned leather. This method uses compounds extracted from plant material. It makes the leather more biodegradable.    

  • Recycled Material: Recycled leather is gaining popularity as an environmentally friendly option as it’s made from old leather leftovers or used products. This technique helps reduce waste by reusing old leather instead of depending on new materials

Addressing Common Misconceptions

Here, we try to clarify some general misconceptions about PU and genuine leather.

Myths About PU

  • Myth: PU leather is constantly lower quality when we compare it to genuine.
  • Fact: The quality depends on the material. Though it may not have natural traits like real leather but by enhancing the quality it can also be durable like genuine.
  • Myth: PU leather is not environmentally friendly at all times.
  • Fact: New emerging technologies are offering eco-friendly alternatives, such as bio-based and water-based PU, providing sustainable options for consumers.

Genuine Leather Myths

  • Myth: Genuine leather is more ethical choice at all times.
  • Fact: It actually depends on the elements like production and sourcing of the leather material. The few specific types of genuine leather such as vegetable and recycled are considered more ecofriendly options.
  • Myth: Genuine leather items usually don’t require regular care.
  • Fact: You can get more benefits from genuine leather products through conditioning them properly, saving them from moisture and occasionally cleaning. It helps in retaining their quality and luxurious allure.


In conclusion, the choice between PU leather and leather relies on a deep assessment of advantages and disadvantages for the consumers. The PU leather is the cheaper and versatile choice for the consumers due to its adoptive behavior and cost effectiveness. On the flip side, genuine leather is often the top choice for consumers due to its durability and timeless allure. Both have different environmental impacts and offer sustainable alternatives.


Answer is present in their manufacturing process. PU material is synthetic comes from polyurethane and the genuine leather is basically obtained from animal skin.
It depends on the choice, sustainability preferences and the budget of the individuals.
By cleaning them regularly, storing them in a cool, dry place, avoiding harsh elements, and protecting them from direct heat, you can easily maintain your PU products.
By enhancing the quality of the PU material, you can achieve the level of durability nearly similar to the real.

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